Deutsch / English
Legal Notice

Cragg Foundation
Hirschstr. 12
42285 Wuppertal
VAT-ID: DE814982444

Phone +49 (0) 202-47898120
Fax +49 (0) 202-478981220

Editorial responsibility

Maximilian Brücher
Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden
Hirschstraße 12, 42285 Wuppertal

Phone +49 (0) 202-47898120

Design and layout

Treppenstraße 17 
42115 Wuppertal

Phone +49 (0) 202-429660

Authors and Photographers

Photographers if not otherwise specified: Charles Duprat, Helmut Hergarten, Jonas Hohnke, David Kaluza, Süleyman Kayaalp, Karl Heinz Krauskopf, Sebastian Riemer, Dennis Scharlau, Claudia Scheer van Erp, Michael Richter, Michael Mader.

Text if not otherwise specified: Carmen Klement and staff of the Skulpturenpark Waldfrieden.

Translations into English if not otherwise specified: Jean Haunschild, Robert Payne, Jon Shelton.

Picture credits

For those works by Carl Andre, John Chamberlain, Tony Cragg, Jean Dubuffet, Wilhelm Mundt, Jean Tinguely, Thomas Schütte, Imi Knoebel, Markus Lüpertz: © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
If not otherwise specified, the copyright for any pictures are in the keeping of the relevant artists themselves or their legal successor.

Legal Notice / Disclaimer

The Cragg Foundation has always made the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information on this its internet presence a prime concern. Be that as it may, inaccuracies and misunderstandings cannot be ruled out. The Cragg Foundation is not liable for any damage or injury that may arise from the use of the data and information provided here or from the use of erroneous and / or incomplete information or data insofar as no premeditated or grossly negligent behaviour can be established on its part. This disclaimer does not cover damage(s)/claims aris-ing from injury to life, body or health.

Insofar as the Internet presence of the Cragg Foundation grants access, as for instance through links, to outside sources and material provided by other bidders, we hereby state that the Cragg Foundation neither has any influ-ence on the content of such sites nor actively subscribes to such contents. At the time of writing the City of Co-logne has no knowledge of any unlawful or offensive matter on any of the linked sites run by outside parties. Should linked sites from outside parties nevertheless contain unlawful or offensive matter, the Cragg Foundation expressly dissociates itself from them.